Collection Manager

by daktechs


2.97 usd

Catalog your collections. Carry a copy of your collections with you.

Collection Manager (Was CC Custom Catalogger) is an easy to use simple means of cataloging your collections. You can have as many collections as you wish. Each collection can have as many items as you wish. Each item can have as many images as you wish with as much detailed text as you wish.Now you can carry a detailed catalog of your collections with you wherever you go. Images can be imported or taken with the device’s camera. The notes are based on “free text” (No fields to enter) you can write what you like. Use Collection Manager for any of your collections where you can catalog the items by using images and text details, from collections of stamps, toys, DVDs, recipes, comic books, cars to roses in your garden, Collection Manager will work for you.1) Added a feature to move items from one collection to another. Thanks to Paul for the suggestion 2) Increase the Twitter text limit from 140 to 280 characters.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Won't load. Installed and reinstalled won't load

Michael Shanks

I bought this application twice,but it is not working. it gives error when I click on OPEN.

Samer Younes

will not start after I purchased it gives errors cant open database? I discovered the note 8 was not allowing permissions for external storage I changed that and all is good now

Norman Mc Parland

Great Program but, as already noted, It could use. file system.

Sheb Ailione

Does exactly what I need, easy to use

R I Martinenza

I would like to add subfolders to á collection. F.x. I have a few coin collections, from different countries. It would clutter the home screen to have many collections in the same category.

Hoddi Gurki

The best thing to catalog what i have thank you so much

dean bacchioni